We leverage trusted breach reporting sources to find verified company breaches and identify the types of data that were potentially compromised in those breaches. For the accounts displayed as breaches in your Digital Footprint, we found that your email was part of the breached data. Reach out to the company to learn if additional data may have been compromised

Not all companies are legally required to comply with Delete Data requests. The California Consumer Protection Act requires that certain companies must allow California residents the right to request that a business delete personal information that they may have. Our request extends beyond the scope of that law, so it is up to companies to choose how they respond.

If you submit a Delete Data request to a company, be sure to monitor your inbox for communication from that company. Each company will have a different process for responding to these requests and deleting your data. Some companies may choose to not respond at all, or may choose to delete your data and account entirely.

Companies vary in how long they take to respond to these types of requests, and some companies may not respond at all. It could vary widely in the time it takes for companies to respond to your request. Companies may require additional steps to process these requests, so please monitor your inbox for communications from the company. Also note that Allstate does not have independent communications with companies regarding your requests.

Even though you may not have a direct relationship with a company, you may still have an account registered through your email and other personal information collected through prior transactions or other means (e.g., the company may have acquired your email address in order to market to you without your explicit knowledge and permission).

Occasionally our application takes longer than normal to identify items in your Digital Footprint due to surges in user demand. Please know that this is temporary and everything will return to normal once the application is able to process all of the requests. Often times coming back in 10-15 minutes will resolve this issue.

Your Digital Footprint is created from accounts we find through your email. You may have additional accounts that are not revealed through the scan, because you have not had any email communication with those companies, or you may have deleted emails from those accounts and our scan only looks at your inbox, not deleted or sent emails.

The green dots represent recent accounts found since the last time your account was scanned. We rescan your inbox every 7 days to identify any recent accounts.

The red icons represent companies that appear in your Digital Footprint who have experienced data breaches. We urge you to carefully review these items. You can dismiss the red icon for a breached account if you mark the account as "reviewed."

To create your Digital Footprint, we use an algorithm that scans your email inbox to identify items such as the companies with whom you may have a relationship. Our technology analyzes these emails, specifically the headers and senders of the emails, and to the extent necessary, the content of the email to determine if a digital relationship exists. We retain email header and sender information where a digital relationship was identified, but do not retain or store the content of your emails

When you activated Digital Footprint you authorized Allstate to analyze your email communications, including email headers and senders, and to the extent necessary, content of emails, to analyze your digital relationships. You may withdraw this consent directly through your email provider's security settings. You can also click "Manage" from the list view screen to remove an email connected to your Digital Footprint

Occasionally our application takes longer than normal to identify items in your Digital Footprint due to surges in user demand. Please know that this is temporary and everything will return to normal once the application is able to process all of the requests. Often times coming back in 10-15 minutes will resolve this issue.

There are several reasons that our application loses access to your email provider, including when you update your email password. This is normal behavior to help protect your account and data. In order to continue having access to your Digital Footprint, we need you to reauthorize access to your email provider.

Yes! We support up to five email addresses. Simply click "Manage" from the list view screen to add a new email address.

From the list view screen, click "Manage," then select the email you wish to delete and click "Remove." This will delete the Digital Footprint for that email, and end your ability to send unsubscribe, Delete Data or Privacy Preference requests

Privacy policies are typically disclosed on companies’ websites. We use machine learning technology to read these policies (companies may have multiple policies). Then we summarize a subset of their privacy practices, as disclosed in their main privacy policy, in a simplified way to you.

We use machine learning technology to provide information about company's privacy policies. While machine learning technology is not always 100% accurate, we’re continually working to improve our technology. Our summaries are for information purposes only and highlight only certain types of a company's usage and collection of data. To fully understand how a company collects and uses your data, you should always visit their website to read its privacy policy in full.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Companies are required by law to provide consumers the option to opt out of marketing emails, but they often vary in the processes they use to comply and how long they take to honor such requests.